
Claudia Harnett

LLB / BA (Majoring in Communication Studies)
Claudia is a Associate in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Team.

Claudia graduated from the University of Otago with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies) and was admitted to the bar in 2018.  At Hesketh Henry, she specialises in insolvency and construction disputes, but is also experienced in all aspects of civil and commercial litigation.

Claudia has experience in acting for range of different parties from Body Corporates and owners to developers, builders, consultants, sub-consultants, debtors and creditors.  She is experienced in all dispute resolution forums, including adjudication, arbitration, mediation and in High Court litigation.

Claudia is also a member of the New Zealand Society of Construction Law and Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association New Zealand Incorporated (RITANZ).


Do you need expert legal advice?
Contact the expert team at Hesketh Henry.

Examples of work completed by Claudia include:

Insolvency Disputes:

  • Advised and acted for both debtors and creditors on liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Advised and acted for both tenants and landlords (commercial leases) on a range of matters, including representing clients in Court.

Construction Disputes:

  • Acting for various parties in High Court/District Court claims for alleged negligence in the construction of properties (or remedial work) and disputes relating to the Fair Trading Act 1986.
  • Advised and acted for principals, homeowners and landlords in arbitral proceedings on a wide variety of issues.
  • Advised and acted for principals and head contractors in adjudications for claims under the Construction Contracts Act 2002.

Insights & Opinion / Claudia Harnett

Be quick and ensure you have your say
Public consultation on the draft NZS3910 amendments closes on 30 June. Some key changes will impact the industry, and all are encouraged to review the draft terms and provide feedback through this pu...
28.06.2023 Posted in Construction
A return to orthodoxy: Demasol Limited v South Pacific Industrial Limited affirms the CCA’s “pay now, argue later” principle
The Court of Appeal in Demasol Limited v South Pacific Industrial Limited [2022] NZCA 480 has overturned the earlier High Court judgment from last year, shutting the door on suggestions that those who...
20.10.2022 Posted in Construction & Disputes
The UK’s so-called “creditor duty”: Does it exist and when is it triggered?
The recent decision of the UK Supreme Court in BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SAV & Ors [2022] UKSC 25 has considered the nature of the so-called “creditor duty” and whether directors are required to ...
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