

Get the level of input you need for peace of mind with employment law

The Hesketh Henry advantage stems from client accessibility to our senior employment lawyers. The level of involvement increases with the complexity of each challenge, however even straightforward employment relations matters benefit from supervision at a senior level.

In the employment law arena we’re known for our responsiveness and practicality. Providing timely, effective solutions that are appropriate for each client’s culture and situation sits at the heart of our service philosophy. The best and most cost-effective results are achieved when clients involve us at an early stage of a project or issue. We act on more than 200 matters for more than 100 clients every year.

We can assist with all employment relationship problems concerned with employer and employee rights, personal grievances, disputes and litigation. Our workplace lawyers are ready to help with collective bargaining and union issues; unjustified dismissal; redundancy; bullying, harassment and discrimination claims; and disciplinary and performance management processes.

Expert input from our employment law team helps simplify client compliance with employment law requirements including the Employment Relations Act 2000, the Holidays Act 2003, and other minimum code legislation. We’re also equipped to provide legal representation for Health and Safety at work, including compliance and defending prosecutions. We regularly represent clients at mediation, in the Employment Relations Authority and in the Employment Court.

In times of change you can call on our services for restructuring and redundancies and all other employment aspects of mergers and acquisitions. We are adept at drafting, developing and implementing employment agreements, policies and procedures.

Need advice on Employment?
Contact the expert team at Hesketh Henry.

Examples of work completed by our team include:

Key Contacts

Insights & Opinion / Employment

Health and Safety Tiles
Updated Guidance: IOD and WorkSafe release ‘Health and Safety Governance – A Good Practice Guide’
While we wait with bated breath for the outcome in the prosecution of former Ports of Auckland CEO, Tony Gibson, officers’ duties are very much at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Section 44 of t...
23.07.2024 Posted in Employment & Health & Safety
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Sender beware – how private are digital workplace conversations?
Following on from the recent Official Information Act request for correspondence between Ministry of Justice employees, employees may be wondering how private their online conversations with colleague...
04.07.2024 Posted in Employment
iStock  Employment Concept
Court of Appeal overturns Employment Court decision stripping family carers of their employment status
Two parents of disabled adult children have lost their status as employees of the Ministry of Health (MOH). The Employment Court had previously found that they were “homeworkers” and therefore emp...
29.05.2024 Posted in Employment
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Is working from home still working?
There are conflicting views on whether working from home is effective. Research conducted by Massey University at the end of 2023 found that around 40% of workers were doing hybrid work. This was an i...
23.05.2024 Posted in Employment
Parker v Magnum Hire: A new era of personal grievance remedies awarded in the Employment Relations Authority?
If you heard a sudden loud noise last week – no it wasn’t a jet plane flying overhead, it was the gasp of employment lawyers across New Zealand when the Employment Relations Authority published it...
26.02.2024 Posted in Employment
employment dictionary website
Banding together: the Court’s new approach to awards for injury to feelings
One of the key remedies available to an employee who has successfully established a personal grievance in the Employment Relations Authority (Authority) or the Employment Court (Court) is compensation...
23.02.2024 Posted in Employment
New year, new government, new policies: what’s on the cards for employment law in 2024?
As we have been known to say once or twice (okay, maybe every year!) employment law never stands still. New governments can also spell major change, and this time is no exception. As you will likely h...
14.02.2024 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
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