Corporate & Commercial

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Milford sound
Government unveils ‘Invest New Zealand’ agency to position NZ as premier FDI destination
Yesterday, the Prime Minister Rt Hon Christopher Luxon announced the Government’s plan to establish a new foreign investment agency, as part of his ‘State of the Nation’ speech in Auckland.  We...
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Energy Spotlight: Offshore Renewable Energy Bill introduced to Parliament
Last week the Offshore Renewable Energy Bill (Bill) was introduced into Parliament.  The Bill is the culmination of the discussion and consultation processes commenced by the Ministry of Business Inn...
17.12.2024 Posted in Climate Change & Corporate & Commercial
Business man document
Addressing directors’ personal safety
The Companies Act 1993 (CA93) currently requires all company directors to make their residential addresses available as a matter of public record.  However, in recent times, incidents of stalking and...
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Government announces changes to New Zealand’s ETS settings; Market responds positively
Yesterday the Minister for Climate Change, Hon Simon Watts announced changes to the current settings of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).  Key changes include reduction of the number of...
tope view fast foods
Advertising food, beverages or to children? New ASA codes will apply…
There is growing awareness amongst regulators regarding the susceptibility of children and other impressionable audiences to certain types of advertising. At the beginning of the month two new Adverti...
20.08.2024 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
vecteezy industry metallurgical plant dawn smoke smog emissions bad  BW
Capturing the Carbon Opportunity – Government explores CCUS as part of its Net Zero Ambitions
New Zealand has officially joined the growing list of countries exploring carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) as means to accelerate decarbonisation and the transition to a lower emissions ...
Computer Hand Wide
Privacy Commissioner releases draft biometrics privacy code
Biometrics is a trending issue and with the development of technology there are consistently more ways biometric data can be used, from replacing a password to identifying repeat shoplifters in a shop...
03.05.2024 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Construction Framework Wide BW
OIO Spotlight:  Government issues new directive on foreign investment for build-to-rent housing developments
Earlier this year, the coalition Government announced that it would be introducing a new streamlined consent pathway for build-to-rent developments by way of amendments to the Overseas Investment Act ...
16.04.2024 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Property
Incorporated societies’ reregistration deadline – April 2026 may be closer than you think
The Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (2022 Act) came fully into force on 5 October 2023, meaning incorporated societies can now apply for reregistration under the 2022 Act.  Approximately 24,000 exist...
16.04.2024 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
OIO Spotlight: Solar projects, exempted interests and farmland considerations
As New Zealand renewable energy developments continue to attract interest from global investors, we take a look at some recent approaches of the Overseas Investment Office in assessing consent require...
New year, new government, new policies: what’s on the cards for employment law in 2024?
As we have been known to say once or twice (okay, maybe every year!) employment law never stands still. New governments can also spell major change, and this time is no exception. As you will likely h...
14.02.2024 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Privacy Commissioner to consult on Privacy Rules for Biometric Information
With the increasing use of facial recognition technology (FRT), retinal scans, and voice recognition by an array of different agencies, privacy concerns about its collection and use are set to be form...
24.11.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Fern forest NZ
Bioenergy in New Zealand: Fuels for the Future?
The energy transition from combustion fuels to low carbon alternatives is viewed as critical in the race to cut global CO2 emissions and reach climate targets.  We look at some of the opportunities p...
Key change to rules on distribution of surplus assets under the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022
On 5 October 2023, the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (2022 Act) came fully into force, replacing the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 (1908 Act). One of the key requirements under the 2022 Act is...
18.10.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Time is money – availability provisions in employment agreements and the requirement to compensate
What happens when an availability provision is non-compliant because it does not allow for compensation, but the employee is not “required” to work additional hours?  Can the employee still be sa...
21.09.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
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Proposed Privacy Act amendments – What you need to know about indirect personal data collection
A new Privacy Amendment Bill was recently introduced to Parliament.  The Bill proposes to insert a new Information Privacy Principle (IPP) 3A into the Privacy Act 2020, which would impose additional ...
20.09.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Hands and gavel
High Court imposes record penalty under Fair Trading Act
One NZ (formerly Vodafone NZ) was recently a record-breaker for all the wrong reasons, receiving the largest penalty to date under the Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA).   On appeal from the District Court...
29.08.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Disputes
FGH v RST the Sequel: Navigating mental health in employment processes
Mental health matters are complex and navigating those matters during performance or disciplinary processes can be difficult for both parties.  In an unusual twist, the Employment Court (Court) was a...
15.08.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Developer Alert: OIO indicates discretionary exemptions may be possible for holders of Transitional Exemption Certificates
Developers of large apartment developments holding transitional exemption certificates (which are set to expire in August 2023) may be able to get a discretionary exemption from the OIO, which would a...
ETS Scheme Consultation Commences
On 19 June 2023 the Government launched a consultation process around possible changes to New Zealand’s emissions trading scheme.  Our Forestry Team looks at key features. Cyclones, flooding and ot...
employment dictionary website
Gimme, gimme more … information.
The procedural obligations in redundancy and complying with the duty of good faith.
03.07.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
loud hailer
Breaking News: Timeframe to raise a personal grievance for sexual harassment set to increase to 12 months
The timeframe to raise a personal grievance for sexual harassment is about to increase from 90 days to 12 months. This change will come about as a result of the Employment Relations (Extended Time for...
09.06.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Companies (Directors Duties) Amendment Bill – Recap and Update
A bill proposing to expressly include ESG factors in the context of a director’s exercise of corporate power has recently failed to obtain Select Committee support.  Hesketh Henry’s Business Advi...
29.05.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
loud hailer
Privacy in the workplace – answering the burning questions for employers
It is the Employment Law Team’s favourite time of year – no, not Christmas, summer or going away to the family bach. It’s Privacy Week, duh!
12.05.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
The IMO Unified Interpretation on the Test to Break a Shipowner’s Right to Limit Liability
A central feature of the maritime limitation regime is a shipowner’s right to limit liability for maritime claims based on the tonnage of the vessel, granted in exchange for the acceptance of strict...
Library BW
Recent Employment Legislation Updates – Changes You Cannot Afford to Miss!
Struggling to keep up with the breakneck speed of recent employment legislation news?  In this article, we provide a round-up of legislation and regulatory updates for employers, including analysis a...
20.04.2023 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
“Hi Honey, I’m (still) home!” Legal considerations for employees working from home
With flexible working arrangements becoming increasingly common post-Covid, employers should continue to be alive to the consequences of these arrangements and consider what steps they should take to ...
OIO Recap: Foreign Investment in NZ Residential Real Estate
The Overseas Investment Amendment Act 2018 restricted investment by overseas persons in New Zealand’s housing market.  Five years on, we recap the permitted ways in which foreigners may invest in p...
The UK’s so-called “creditor duty”: Does it exist and when is it triggered?
The recent decision of the UK Supreme Court in BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SAV & Ors [2022] UKSC 25 has considered the nature of the so-called “creditor duty” and whether directors are required to ...
HH office
Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day
The Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day Bill has passed its Third Reading and will come into force by the end of this week.  The Bill provides the legislative framework to support the Government’s anno...
21.09.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Cheers!… to advertising alcohol…socially responsibly
The Advertising Standards Authority’s (ASA) Alcohol Advertising and Promotion Code (Code) has been in play for just over a year now and social responsibility is top of the list of concerns with alcohol advertisements.
08.09.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Commerce Commission releases draft report for residential building supplies market study
On 4 August 2022 the Commerce Commission (Commission) released its draft report setting out preliminary findings from its market study into the residential building supplies industry.
08.08.2022 Posted in Construction & Corporate & Commercial
New proposals on modern slavery place higher responsibilities on NZ organisations
Over recent years, modern slavery has become a more prominent issue in New Zealand.
13.05.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Forestry reform impacts NZ log traders and advisors
Recently passed legislative updates impose new regulatory standards on forestry advisors and log traders – introducing new levels of professional compliance for a previously unregulated area of the forestry sector.
Kiwiana beach pohutukawa
Shedding Some Light on the Sunscreen (Product Safety Standard) Act 2022
Summer may be over, but there are sunny days ahead for sunscreen advocates with the recent introduction of the Sunscreen (Product Safety Standard) Act 2022.
25.03.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Advertising a financial product or service? Read on.
A new Financial Advertising Code (Code) will replace the existing Code for Financial Advertising effective 1 March 2022 for new, and 1 June 2022 for all existing, financial advertising captured.
25.02.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
New Zealand chapter of the Center for International Legal Studies’ World Intellectual Property Rights and Remedies
Erich Bachmann, Julika Wahlmann-Smith and Christine Leung author the New Zealand chapter of the Center for International Legal Studies’ World Intellectual Property Rights and Remedies (Thomson Reute...
08.02.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Privacy law: A Global Legal Perspective on Data Protection Relating to Advertising & Marketing
Erich Bachmann and Julika Wahlmann-Smith author the New Zealand Chapter of Privacy law: A Global Legal Perspective on Data Protection Relating to Advertising & Marketing
08.02.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Second Edition of Guide to Conducting Sweepstakes & Contests
Erich Bachmann and Julika Wahlmann-Smith author the New Zealand Chapter of the Second Edition of Guide to Conducting Sweepstakes & Contests. 
08.02.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
New booster requirement introduced for some workers
On 23 January 2022, the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Amendment Order 2022 (the 2022 Amendment Order) came into force.  This amends the previous COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vacc...
24.01.2022 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Supreme Court Confirms Commissions Within Weekly Holiday Pay
The Supreme Court has upheld the Court of Appeal’s decision (although for different reasons) in A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment v Tourism Holdings Limited w...
21.12.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Library Image
Incorporated Societies – A Major Shake Up is on the Way
The Incorporated Societies Bill (Bill) had its second reading on 17 November 2021.  The Bill seeks to repeal and replace the 113 year old Incorporated Societies Act 1908 (1908 Act), in a well overdue...
07.12.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Are you ready for the new Covid-19 Protection Framework?
Parliament has been racing through COVID-19 legislation in preparation for New Zealand entering the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) at midnight tonight, Thursday 2 December.   Employers operating...
Final changes to the overseas investment regime now in force
The Overseas Investment Amendment Act 2021 came into force on 5 July 2021.
Building Permit
Commerce Commission study announced for building supplies market
The Commerce Commission is set to undertake a market study into residential building supplies for major components of residential buildings 
‘Tis the season … to comply with the Fair Trading Act
Retailers will be seeking to make the most of in-store trading reopening, particularly in Auckland.
23.11.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
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COVID-19 Protection Framework: Vaccination Certificates and Simplified Risk Assessment on its way
For some employers, Covid-19 vaccine certificates (CVCs) are required in order to operate within the Covid-19 Protection Framework (the Traffic Light System).  The scope of this requirement is slated...
Retention funds:  where is the trust?
The importance of subcontractors scrutinising how retention funds are held, and how they are dealt with by insolvency practitioners, was highlighted in the recent High Court decision in McVeigh v Decm...
Review of Anti-Money Laundering law is underway
The Ministry of Justice is carrying out a statutory review of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2013 (Act) to consider: how it has performed since it was introduced ...
19.11.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
Can Covid-19 frustrate a contract?
Introduction  Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the transport sector, in particular the aviation industry. It has been common for parties affected by Covid-19 to assert that it amounts to a fo...
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Health check on solvency position:  time to conduct an annual review and plan for the future
As 2021 draws to a conclusion and businesses begin to consider what operations will look like in the new year, it will be necessary to reflect on the impact of Covid-19 and prepare for life under the ...
How to Gauge the Minimum Wage: Sandhu v Gate Gourmet
Court of Appeal Overturns Employment Court’s Decision in Sandhu v Gate Gourmet
16.11.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Mandatory financial climate-related disclosure obligations now law
The Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Bill (Bill) received royal assent last week.
02.11.2021 Posted in Climate Change & Corporate & Commercial
Extending the reach of the jab –the Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order – round 3
While we have known for a while that the government was expanding the scope of the vaccination requirements, many schools and health providers have been waiting with bated breath for the actual Order ...
26.10.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
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Amending directors’ duties to go beyond the bottom line
The Companies (Directors Duties) Amendment Bill 2021 (Bill) proposes to amend section 131 of the Companies Act 1993 (Act) to clarify that company directors may take into account recognised environment...
20.10.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Gavel Books Wide BW
Penalties imposed for a single phone call attempting to enter a price-fixing agreement
The High Court in Commerce Commission v Specialised Container Services (Christchurch) Ltd recently imposed pecuniary penalties under the Commerce Act 1986 (the Act) for an attempt to enter into a pric...
07.10.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
Update – August/September 2021 Lockdown – what financial support is available?
The Government is offering various support schemes to help employees and businesses cope with the 2021 COVID-19 Lockdown.  Given the differing eligibility requirements it is easy to become overwhelmed.
07.10.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Regulators do not “bend” on AML/CFT compliance: Financial Markets Authority v CLSA Premium Limited
Earlier this month, the High Court released its decision in Financial Markets Authority v CLSA Premium New Zealand Limited.
23.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
Alert Level 3; Hi-ho, hi-ho, back to work we go?
In Auckland, we’re excited to be moving to Alert Level 3, if only so we can take a break from cooking every single meal! 
21.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
M&A Pricing Mechanics: Completion Accounts vs Locked Box
A critical period in the timeline of any M&A share transaction is the period between signing the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement and completion.
21.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
New Fair Trading Act provisions spark need to review small trade contracts
The Fair Trading Amendment Bill received Royal Assent on 16 August 2021 and is now the Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021 (Amendment Act).  The Amendment Act amends the Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA), with...
14.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Employment Relations Authority Finds Dismissal of Unvaccinated Border Worker to be Justified
On 1 September 2021, The Employment Relations Authority (Authority) determined in GF v New Zealand Customs Service [2021] NZERA 382, that the New Zealand Customs Service (Customs) was justified in its...
10.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
AML/CFT guidance with the High Court’s decision in Reserve Bank of New Zealand and TSB Bank Limited
On 31 August 2021, the High Court of Wellington released its decision on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand v TSB Bank Limited.
09.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
Supreme Court asserts Employment Relations Authority exclusive jurisdiction
The Supreme Court has recently issued a significant judgment clarifying that the Employment Relations Authority (Authority) has exclusive jurisdiction over claims arising in a “work context”. In d...
09.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
All about the evidence: Recent Supreme Court decision confirms extrinsic evidence rules and implication of contractual terms
The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Bathurst Resources Ltd v L & M Coal Holdings Ltd provides important guidance on the approach to the use and admissibility of extrinsic evidence for contractual interpretation and the test for implication of contractual terms.
02.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
Spotlight on the Retail Grocery Sector: Commerce Commission releases preliminary results from its market study into the Retail Grocery Sector
The retail grocery sector has garnered considerable publicity in recent times. Lockdown has intensified scrutiny on the pricing strategies and structures adopted by retailers in this sector. This follows on the back of the Commerce Commissions broader investigation of competition issues within the sector.
01.09.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
COVID-19 AML/CFT Guidance and Annual Report Extension
In a recent statement by the Financial Markets Authority, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (together, the Supervisors), it was agreed that the submission da...
31.08.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
Injunctions & Receiverships:  A high hurdle for directors to prevent the sale of a business in receivership
The principal role of a receiver is to realise secured assets for the appointing creditor. 
Increase in Sick Leave Entitlement
From Saturday 24 July 2021, the minimum entitlement to sick leave increases from 5 to 10 days in each entitlement year.
23.07.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Liquidators’ Powers: Successful application under section 266 of the Companies Act to examine former director
Liquidators have wide-ranging powers under the Companies Act 1993 (Companies Act), including the power to request directors, shareholders or any other relevant person to assist in the liquidation of a...
ASB Showgrounds liquidation – An iconic venue in strife
The events industry has been strongly affected by Covid-19.
At first glance: Overseas Investment Amendment Bill (No 3) 2021
The Overseas Investment Amendment Bill (No 3) (Bill) received royal assent on 24 May 2021
Construction Contractor Controversy: Guidance on the Status of Contractors
Workers in the construction industry are frequently engaged as independent contractors.
How to break up with a suspected money launderer: High Court Guidance
The High Court has provided guidance on how to end a business relationship with a suspected money launderer.
15.04.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Regulatory
What happens if my employee refuses to get the COVID-19 vaccination?
While there are enough COVID-19 vaccinations to inoculate each New Zealander, it has been reported that some ‘frontline’ workers have refused to get vaccinated, or have failed to attend vaccinatio...
14.04.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Bereavement Leave Confirmed for Miscarriages and Stillbirths 
New Zealand has become the second country in the world to pass legislation that provides bereavement leave for mothers and their partners after a miscarriage or stillbirth.
26.03.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Court of Appeal Overturns Employment Court’s Decision in Tourism Holdings
Tourism Holdings Limited v A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (Tourism Holdings) is the first decision in which the Employment Court considered section 8(2) of the Holidays Act 2003 (Act). The Court of Appeal has recently overturned this decision.
26.03.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Guarantees must be in writing and signed to be enforceable
For a guarantee to be enforceable, the requirements set out in section 27 of the Property Law Act 2007 (Act) must be strictly complied with.  This is what the NZSC held in Brougham v Regan. The key i...
19.03.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
UK Supreme Court Delivers Decision on Uber Driver Employment Status
The distinction between employee and independent contractor can be complex, particularly where the nature of the business model blurs the lines of standard employment practices.
16.03.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Holidays Act Overhaul – Taskforce Recommendations
There have been calls for an amendment of the Holidays Act 2003 (Act) for some time.
16.03.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
COVID-19 – Government support explained
With a myriad of government benefits available to help employees and businesses cope with the COVID-19 lockdowns, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the differing eligibility requirements and vario...
04.03.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
The impact of lockdown on the Minimum Wage Act: the Employment Court judgment in Gate Gourmet
In Sandhu v Gate Gourmet New Zealand Ltd, Gate Gourmet challenged the Employment Relations Authority’s determination that the protections under the Minimum Wage Act 1983 (MWA) applied to its employe...
03.03.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
New Investor Test for Overseas Investors
On 22 March 2021, a new investor test will be introduced for all consent applications under the Overseas Investment Act (Act), bar a few residential land exceptions.  This is one of several measures ...
“Recklessness” under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
The High Court has clarified the elements of the offence of reckless conduct in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
Health and Safety Tiles
When is someone ‘at work’ under the Health and Safety at Work Act?
The High Court has confirmed that to be ‘at work’ for the purposes of the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA), a link between the particular activity undertaken and the work of the PCBU is required. If that link is established, any person engaged in the activity will be 'at work' for the purposes of the HSWA.
18.02.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Health & Safety
Health and Safety Tiles
The High Court clarifies the liability of ‘officers’ under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
The High Court has clarified the due diligence duty imposed on ‘officers’ of a PCBU. Due diligence is not limited to obligations of governance, but will depend on the nature of the PCBU and the role the officer occupies in it.
17.02.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Health & Safety
Employment Law Considerations for Buying or Selling a Business
The people in a business often make the business, so if you are planning to buy or sell a business, it is important that you understand your employment law obligations in relation to employees.
17.02.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Employment Court Deems Uber Driver a Contractor
Although immensely popular due to its user friendly interface and low prices, the Uber Group is facing challenges to its business model worldwide.  Issues about the rights of Uber’s drivers have be...
12.02.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Increase in sick leave entitlement – what you need to know
The Holidays (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Bill (the Bill) was introduced in December 2020 and passed its First Reading on 1 December 2020. With the government’s clear majority, the Bill is anti...
02.02.2021 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Phishing for payment: How Team New Zealand was scammed
Hackers often try to scam entities making international payments by impersonating one, or both, parties to the payment.
The Commerce Commission is set to undertake a market study into the Retail Grocery Sector
On 17 November 2020 the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs announced a market study into the retail grocery sector through the Commerce Commission under Part 3A of the Commerce Act 1986 (Act)....
Court of Appeal cuts fine for Steel & Tube’s breaches of the Fair Trading Act 
The Court of Appeal in Commerce Commission v Steel & Tube Holdings Limited [2020] NZCA 549 has set aside last year’s High Court decision under the Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) where it imposed a ...
23.11.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Disputes
contracts flying
Is a Contract a Contract (if a Court says it’s not)?
Savvy Vineyards 4334 Ltd v Weta Estate Ltd [2020] NZSC 115
06.11.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Disputes
D&O Indemnity And Insurance Update: A ‘Hard Market’
05.11.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Insurance
Contract stock edit e
4 million reasons for a tailored Shareholders’ Agreement: Dold v Murphy
The Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Dold v Murphy highlights the importance of having an appropriate Shareholders’ Agreement in place.
21.10.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Supreme Court forecast – storms ahead for directors
On 24 September 2020, the Supreme Court released its long-awaited decision in the case of Debut Homes Ltd (In Liquidation) v Cooper [2020] NZSC 100.
rsz compliance regulations procedures
Is this Organic? Proposed Regulation of Organic Product Claims
The Organic Products Bill, which is currently at the Select Committee stage, proposes to introduce a regime to regulate claims made by businesses that products are organic (known as making an “organ...
06.10.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Privacy Act 2020: new obligations to report privacy breaches
The Privacy Act 2020 creates a new requirement to report serious privacy breaches, as from 1 December 2020. 
25.09.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment & Regulatory
COVID-19: Who Takes the Pay Hit When There is Little or No Work During Lockdown?
The COVID-19 situation is a rapidly changing beast. 
18.08.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Cancelled Plans and Future Liabilities: A post lockdown annual holidays FAQ
COVID-19 has not only hit many employers hard in terms of economic impact, it has also confronted employers with many employment challenges that require urgent attention.
04.08.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Force majeur
COVID-19 and the Future of Force Majeure
Not since Y2K have force majeure clauses been of so much focus.
Shareholder Agreements:  The Corporate “Pre-nup”
You’ve got a great idea for a business and you’re pumped to get to work. 
23.06.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Wake Up Call for #Influencer Marketers
A recent decision by New Zealand’s Advertising Standards Authority (“ASA”) concerning a sponsored Instagram story posted by a well-recognised New Zealand personality, serves to remind all partie...
12.06.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Phone bw
The new Privacy Act: What will this mean for your Business?
The long awaited reform to New Zealand privacy law is currently making its way through the final stages in Parliament, and is expected to become law on 1 November 2020. The Privacy Bill (which when en...
25.05.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
Budget 2020: $4 Billion Business Support Package
Yesterday Hon Grant Robertson delivered Budget 2020, which he called “the most significant financial commitment by a New Zealand government in modern history”. The Budget establishes a $50 billio...
15.05.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
COVID-19: OIO Update
Government fast-tracks new measures during COVID-19 crisis
Lifting the roof on director’s duties
First prosecution for serious breaches of director’s duties under the Companies Act.
COVID-19: Industries interrupted: A call for clarity in respect of Business Interruption Cover
Understandably, businesses worldwide are looking for financial support to offset losses flowing from the restrictions governments have placed on how we can conduct business as part of global and local responses to control the spread of COVID-19.
13.05.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Insurance
Budget 2020: “Far from business as usual”
This week brings a cascade of significant events.
13.05.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
employment law small
Contractor or Employee? The decision in Leota v Parcel Express Limited
The legal distinction between contractors and employees can sometimes be a fine one. Being an employee, rather than a contractor, is generally (and in most cases) advantageous to the worker as it prov...
12.05.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
COVID-19: Insolvency Law Changes
On Tuesday afternoon the government introduced legislation to implement the changes to the Companies Act 1993 (the Act) it announced in early April.  These changes are intended to assist companies to...
COVID-19: Extension of Leave Support Scheme for “At Risk” Workers
On 24 April 2020 and with a shift to Alert Level 3, the Government has announced that the COVID-19 Essential Workers Leave Support Scheme has been extended to cover “non-essential” workers who are...
04.05.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
COVID-19: Health and Safety at Level 3
Alert Level 3 is upon us.
24.04.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Health & Safety
COVID-19: It’s advertising as usual in New Zealand
New Zealand’s Advertising Standards Authority (“ASA”), the industry organisation responsible for the self-regulation of advertising content and placement across all media in New Zealand, has emp...
23.04.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Extension of unfair contract terms regime to small trade contracts
New Zealand’s Fair Trading Act (“FTA”) currently prohibits the inclusion or use of terms that have been declared to be an “unfair contract term” in standard form consumer contracts.  The Fa...
23.04.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
At first glance: Overseas Investment Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2020 
On 19 March 2020, the Overseas Investment Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2020 (the “Bill”) was introduced to Parliament.  The two key intentions of the Bill are to strengthen and simplify the ove...
Force majeur
COVID-19: Contracts – Managing through lockdown and beyond
The current COVID-19 lockdown has brought many businesses to a standstill and, at the very least, interrupted all businesses.  In light of supply chain and workforce difficulties, together with the i...
20.04.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
COVID-19: Next Level:  Employment beyond Lockdown
Next Level We are almost 3 weeks into a Level 4 lock-down and a little over a week from Level 3 if all goes to plan. Now is the time to be thinking about what the next stage will look like for your bu...
14.04.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
COVID-19: Temporary ‘safe harbour’ from directors’ insolvency duties
As mentioned in Hesketh Henry’s article “COVID-19: Insolvency law changes” (, Grant Robertson has announced that ...
Money stack
COVID-19: Business Finance Guarantee Scheme – loan applications now open
Businesses can now start applying to their banks for loans under the $6.25 billion Business Finance Guarantee Scheme (“BFGS”), set up to support small and medium-sized businesses during the COVID-...
03.04.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
COVID-19: Anarchy does not rule, OK?!
Employment Issues and COVID-19 – Updated 1 April 2020
01.04.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
COVID-19: Health and Safety in essential businesses
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, New Zealand’s alert level is currently at Alert Level 4.
31.03.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Health & Safety
COVID-19: Business Finance Guarantee Scheme
The Government, retail banks and the Reserve Bank recently announced a major financial support package for businesses affected by the economic impacts of COVID-19. The package includes a $6.25 billion...
30.03.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
COVID-19: Relief for businesses: COVID-19 Economic Response Package – updated 31 March 2020
The Government has introduced a number of key measures to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses: Wage subsidy scheme – businesses may be eligible for wage subsidies ($585.80 (gro...
25.03.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
rsz be prepared
COVID-19: Advice for businesses
We have prepared the following tips for businesses to guide them through the current circumstances.  Urgent advice should be sought where cash flow problems are arising, or where contractual obligati...
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COVID-19: Employment issues -updated 24 March 2020
The COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving, and employers need to be continually assessing and reassessing their response. This article is being updated regularly: the last update was 24 March 2020. L...
17.03.2020 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Employment
M&A Update – Warranty & Indemnity Insurance
This year we have seen strong private M&A activity and the use of warranty and indemnity (“W&I”) insurance in a number of transactions. W&I insurance is a specialist insurance product ...
18.10.2019 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Insurance
Improvements to the overseas investment regime could be on their way…
Certain features of the Overseas Investment Act 2005 (“Act“) that have caused frustration in the past could be set to change. The Act is currently in the midst of a two stage review.  The...
The PPSR Files: Diarise your expiry dates!
Late last year, the Personal Property Securities Register (“PPSR”) upgraded its interface to a more user-friendly platform. However, some things have not changed. You will still not be notified by...
10.04.2019 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
A million reasons for Rangatira to be bitter about the Tuatara earn-out
The Court of Appeal’s decision in The Malthouse Ltd v Rangatira Ltd highlights some of the risks with earn-out arrangements and, in contrast to recent High Court rulings, illustrates a more traditio...
06.03.2019 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
When did you last have your Ts & Cs reviewed?
The Commerce Commission recently announced that, after its investigation of jeweller Michael Hill Limited, the company was fined $169K for breaching its obligations in relation to the extended warrant...
13.12.2018 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Top ten reasons to pimp your terms (Spoiler alert: The law is only one of them)
Whatever business you’re in, your customer terms and conditions are fundamental and foundational.
30.07.2018 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
legal agreement
Distribution Agreements – 6 Key Considerations
While the exact nature and terms of a distribution agreement will vary between industries and jurisdictions, these 6 issues will always be important.
28.06.2018 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Continued Importance of IP Protection for Manufacturers
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has recently released a report which identified key trends and challenges for the manufacturing sector.
28.06.2018 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Hesketh Henry Recommended in The Legal 500 Directory as a Leading Firm in 2018
Firm receives recommendations and commentary in 2018 Legal Directories
Recent case finds that lack of a resident director isn’t immediately fatal
A New Zealand company needs at least one resident director
24.11.2017 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Hesketh Henry Recognised in Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2017 Legal Directory
Recognised in Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2017 Legal Directory
First judgment on whether a director “lives in” New Zealand
The Companies Act gives no guidance on how to determine whether a director will pass the Residency Requirement in New Zealand.
25.07.2016 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
“Hallelujah, I’m free!” Exiting a multi-owner SME – the importance of a Shareholders’ Agreement
A Shareholders' Agreement is a contract between a company's owners which should regulate the way the business operates and how owners deal with each other.
19.07.2016 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Is Your Home Held in a Family Trust? – The New Tax Changes Affect You!
The Government’s announced law changes dealing with taxation of property came into effect on 1 October 2015 and will have a significant impact on all property owners who hold their family home in a ...
28.10.2015 Posted in Corporate & Commercial & Private Wealth
New Director and Disclosure Requirements for New Zealand Companies
New director residency requirements are about to be introduced for all New Zealand Companies.  These changes come into effect on 1 May 2015, with all existing companies having an additional 180 days ...
24.04.2015 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Supply agreements, the things you should know before signing
A supply agreement should be viewed as any other binding legal contract, and should never be entered into lightly.
Gambling on Sponsorship
New Zealand’s size and geographical proximity to Australia has resulted in a number of trans-Tasman sporting events. This trans-Tasman rivalry offers fantastic visibility opportunities for spons...
11.08.2012 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
Completing the Deal
Key steps in deal process In the current market, where it is generally taking parties some time to negotiate deals, we are seeing more heads of agreement being negotiated by clients as the first step ...
11.08.2012 Posted in Corporate & Commercial
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