Employment Law Update – August 2024


Please join us in person at our offices, or on Zoom, for an employment law seminar to discuss some topical updates.  Our presenters, Alison Maelzer, Kirby Kleingeld and Bridget Perkins, will be covering the following topics:

  1. Restructuring and redundancy – sadly, a topic that everyone is talking about.  Learn about the legal tests for a justified redundancy, and avoid some of the pitfalls (looking at you, TVNZ!)
  2. Digital communications and social media – what is private, and what steps can employers take to protect their business?
  3. Recent case law and a look into the crystal ball – Siouxsie Wiles, FENZ, and the government’s plans for the future.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and catch up with the employment law team.

To register via zoom please click on this link:  https://heskethhenry.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_l4WmNwu8Sz-1sxbVblcdqA

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