In August 2016, Hesketh Henry in conjunction with Auckland’s College of Law, was honoured to recently host two official delegations from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The delegations mainly consisted of government officials and representatives in planning and infrastructure development of the city. They were here to learn about dispute resolution in NZ and how that might apply to contracts involving parties from.
Two Partners from our litigation team (Christina Bryant and Nick Gillies) and one from our Corporate and Commercial team (Chris Lee) were assisted by Senior Associate Hak Jun Lee. Our presentations covered the structure, processes, timeframes, costs and pros and cons involved in utilising the Courts, private arbitration, mediation and other dispute resolution mechanisms. We also looked at key issues when drafting dispute resolution clauses, including choice of law, venue and enforceability. At the end of the presentations, the delegations presented and we gratefully received a Plaque, a picture made from rice depicting a cultural scene and a book about Ho Chi Minh City. We hope that the visits will be the beginning of stronger ties between the city and our firm.